Family Memories Are Your Special Treasures
We Turn Into Heirlooms That Last For Generations

HeirloomST (HST) is like a roll up of:
Your Family Legacy Can Now Survive Many Generations!
Reserve Your 3D Family Map Founder Pricing Now
For the first time ever our patent pending AI allows you and your family members to
“Work on your family tree together !”
Families in today’s
world are complicated
No longer is it just husband and wife and children and in-laws, and sets of grandparents, etc. Now we have multiple marriages, adoptions, step parents, step family trees, children from unmarried parents, and the list is almost endless.
The family tree today takes a Map! So at HST, we had our smart tech people use our patent pending Artificial Intelligence to create smart technology to build 3 Dimensional Family Maps that automatically build themselves as new members are invited and their relationships are explained automatically. Plus you can share your work on your Family Map with other Family Members.
Our powerful AI automatically restates all the relationships based on the member who has HST open.

Our patent pending AI creates a special 3D Family Map that not only is time sensitive but can include both Family and Friends who your Family Map is linked with. You can even see what the 3D Family Map looks like at any date in the past!
- AI AUTOMATICALLY Creates, Maintains and Link together Family Maps
- AI Restates all Relationships based on the member who opens HST
- Family and Friends with their own Family Maps can be LINKED together
- Personal Data Blocks are WINDOWS into each person's Memory Vault
- VIEW at ANY TIME in the past
- EASY to Add new people
- EASY to Invite Family and Friends to Join
Memory Vault™

Our Proprietary Memory Vault makes everything on HeirloomST (HST) possible!
The HST Memory Vault is like a special use kind of Dropbox on steroids. All file forms that contain your special treasured memories can be converted from their original technology format into a digital file. Videos, audios, texts, diplomas, passports, letters, anything that a picture or pdf can be made from. Converting to a digital format allows these treasured memories to be stored, categorized, and administered for who you choose to access
Once digitized, each person's precious memories are stored in our unique Memory Vault regardless of file type. You finally KNOW that your pictures and videos and special memories will survive to become those HEIRLOOMS that build your legacy for many generations!
- Digital Media Storage and Retrieval
- SURVIVES Decades of Constant Technology Changes
- To become precious Family Heirlooms
- Easy to USE
- Easy to SHARE
- Your Memories Stay SAFE
- You CONTROL Who Sees What
- Add EXPLAINER attachments- Video, Text, Audio
In our 3D Family Map, each individual is shown with an Info Box, including a picture and some basic information including the 'relationship' to the user viewing the 3D Family Map. Each Info Box is a WINDOW into the Memory Vault of that person. The viewer will have been assigned a code- (see below) by each Memory Vault owner to allow access to certain files.
A user can select a Play List from their owe Memory Vault or other peoples' Memory Vaults as allowed. These play lists can be set up as SHOWS in the user's Cloud Family Channel.

To easily administer who can access specific files- File segments are set up into color coded layers for sharing:
Personal Only - User eyes only
Intimate relationships- immediate family and special friends
Close relationships - Extended family and close friends
Casual relationships - Other family and friends
Periodic relationships - Know each other
Public - everyone can see
Your Very Own
Cloud Memory Channel
HeirloomST (HST) is a Media On Demand (MOD) Cloud TV platform on both smart devices and internet web pages.
HST has created an amazing opportunity that allows you to subscribe to your very own Cloud Memory Channel just for you and your family and friends. Now, you can upload any kind of media into your special, safe & secure Memory Vault, THAT CAN THEN BE ACCESSED ON DEMAND.
Your Media can include those videos, audio files, pictures, Word docs, PDF files, and even other technology as it develops all the media that holds your special MEMORIES.
The best part of your Cloud Memory Channel is our unique Playlist Function. Playlist treats all your media like a music playlist. You choose what to include and you CREATE shows that you can let family and friends VIEW on any SMART DEVICE. HENCE, you have all your media available "On Demand" to CREATE heart moving shows.
Your media items even allow “Attachments” which are short descriptors in video, audio or text.
Your Cloud Memory Channel
of Media on Demand

Your Cloud Memory Channel is like having your very own Digital 24/7 Family TV network! Create and share precious memories about special events that you can view over and over for decades and even generations.
- With PLAY LISTS you Create and Share Shows
- Your Memory Vault is the SOURCE of all your Play List material
- EASY to Share with Family and Friends
- Shows SURVIVE for generations
- PLAY on ANY Home or Mobile Device
- Your Memories Become Heirlooms That Build Your Legacy for Generations to Come
Reserve Your Cloud Memory Channel NOW!
Reserve your Cloud TV Station and give it your family name now, before someone else takes that name!
Did you have trouble getting your name as your email name? Do not miss out now!
You can reserve your HeirloomST TV Station name today- click here before it’s too late.